What are the Benefits of a Nature-Inspired Backyard?

Perhaps Henry David Thoreau said it best... "We need the tonic of wilderness... We can never have enough of nature."

For those of us who enjoy being outdoors, nature has a special space in our lives. Whether it's hiking, skiing, mountain biking, kayaking, walking, or just relaxing in our own backyard, nature is a main ingredient. Without it, our experiences would be drastically different. It's why so many people choose a backyard that is nature-inspired.

What does “Nature-Inspired” mean?

Robert Molinet, owner of Sierra Landscape Management, explains what nature-inspired means. "It pulls cues from the natural environment. It's not formal, it's not overly contrived, and it doesn't feel forced." He explains that the environment is adaptable to the changes that happen around it and it takes care of itself. Native plants along with materials that are naturally sourced are used – steering away from man-made materials like concrete, PVC, or vinyl when possible.

Robert knows and enjoys the benefits of nature in his own backyard. And he's has been building them for his clients for almost two decades. He explains, "Many homeowners gravitate towards this type of backyard because they want something different that blends in with their surroundings." They enjoy the variety, beauty, and surprises that can come with the wildlife that discover this new area. It blurs the lines between their outdoor living space and the natural space on their property.

Nature’s Display

Once the work is done and his clients can enjoy their new outdoor living space, they consistently report great experiences. New views and surprises are common. New adventures through the changes of the seasons and new wildlife often offer happiness and joy. Even the littlest things make a big impact, like a never-before-seen bird showing up or a couple of frogs finding relief in a water feature.

Nature Heals

All of this builds up to a very compelling aspect of nature – its ability to heal us. We may have a sense that interacting with nature does benefit our well-being, but there is actual science to back this information up. Many documented, peer-reviewed papers support real health benefits to being exposed to the great outdoors.

Studies have been done that show improvements in depression, stress, working memory, cognitive flexibility, and attention control. For example, a 2021 Harvard article talks about research that suggests how mood disorders can be eased by spending more time outside in good 'ol Mother Nature.

A 2019 study concluded that spending as little as 15 to 20 minutes a day in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing  . This becomes almost effortless when you can experience nature in your own backyard.

And Gregory Bratman, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Washington, and colleagues shared evidence in their 2019 Science Advances review that contact with nature is associated with increases in subjective well-being, happiness, positive affect, positive social interactions, and a sense of meaning and purpose in life, along with decreases in mental distress.

One More Thing

I can't leave out what I feel is the best part of a nature-inspired backyard – the memories you'll make with family and friends in your new outdoor living space. These will be formed for many years to come.

With all of these benefits from simply spending time in nature, a nature-inspired backyard can be a great way to find joy, wonder, relaxation, improved well-being, and mental health. When you're ready to discuss making an improvement in your backyard, Sierra Landscape Management wants to hear from you.

See how others have improved their own backyard by checking out our portfolio. You'll likely find inspiration for your own backyard.


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