How a Landscape Designer Incorporates Natural Stone Into a Backyard Sanctuary in the Green, NJ, Area

How a Landscape Designer Incorporates Natural Stone Into a Backyard Sanctuary in the Green, NJ, Area.jpeg

To create the kind of space that feels like your own special spot in the world—your own private getaway—your landscape designer will carefully consider what materials to incorporate. It should be a place that seems safe and also welcoming. And to make it feel and appear natural, stone will likely play a prominent part. Here’s how a landscape designer incorporates natural stone in backyard sanctuaries in the Green, NJ, area.

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Decorative Boulders

When boulders are placed thoughtfully in the landscape, they look like they belong and you can enjoy their unique characteristics and beauty. Well-positioned boulders can serve both as focal points and backdrops.

Water Features

The sight and sounds of water can create a wonderful sensory experience in a backyard sanctuary. A stunning waterfall can appear to be more natural when varied sizes and shapes of stone are placed just right for the space—not too overwhelming, and not too subtle. Stone could surround a koi fish pond, giving you yet another sight to admire as you relax outside. 

An Intimate Patio

A backyard sanctuary needs a place to sit, and perhaps no material creates a more engaging surface than natural stone. Color and pattern variation make a stone patio as unique as a fingerprint. If you admire the look of natural stone, your patio may feature not only the classic blue/gray tones but also unexpected highlights of reds and browns. The beauty of each individual stone will be evident.

Natural Stone Walkways

A stepping stone walkway makes the journey as important as the destination. You won’t be tempted to simply rush from here to there, but you’ll instead want to savor every step as you notice the different colors, patterns, textures, and placement of the stone under your feet. Whether each stone is separated by moss or creeping thyme, or mortared together, you can’t help but admire the artistry nature has put into each individual stone.

A Privacy Wall

Stone is, of course, the original building material. Stone walls built centuries ago have gained a gorgeous weathered patina. Whether they are used for terraced orchards on a steep hillside, add more living space or to separate neighbors, a stone wall may start off as functional, to hold back to earth or to provide privacy, but it will also appear more beautiful with each passing year. Natural stone can be used cut or uncut. The placement of each stone is one of the ways that the skill and craftsmanship of the mason make a difference. A wall made with natural stone will give your landscape a “been there forever” look.

Stone Steps

Natural stone makes the journey up and down the hill a more interesting one. Stone ledge steps are a stylish and timeless addition to your landscape as they take you to a favorite backyard hideaway or favorite lookout point high on a hillside.


An Inviting Fire Pit

Make cherished memories with family and friends around a natural stone fire pit. Stone conducts heat very well, so you don’t have to let the chilly days of autumn send everyone indoors. Your fire feature will blend in with the landscape, especially if it is built with a type of stone native to the Green, NJ, area.

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