Building a Field of Dreams with Rocks

We have a lot of conversations with our tribe of followers. Our tribe varies in as many ways as there are stars in the sky. In some ways, we all share certain similar traits. Traits of appreciation for detail, skills, and the little nuggets in life presented in unsuspecting ways along the way. We all also tend to, at least for now, fit into a certain age bracket which will provide context to this article.

Last week we shared the beginning of the multi year journey that our friends Kurt and Jennifer of Hampton, NJ started recently. This week the journey continues, while other parts of our team help another family begin their own. This is made possible because we have worked with our tribe to understand what is important and valuable in life.

Kevin Costner built a field which provided the platform for dreams to be realized in the 1989 movie. In many ways, we at Sierra have worked to build our own figurative field of dreams. The journey of doing so is often overlooked no different than it's hard to realize how far up the mountain you have climbed when you are hiking on the trail in the forest. Along the way, just like in nature, clues reveal themselves through beautiful vistas of valley views, tribe feedback, interviews, and occasionally stepping back to take a pulse of the environment.


A recent conversation with a mentor of ours revealed that in many ways we are all where we wanted to be when we began our journey. Sometimes though we are not able to determine how far along the process we actually are. Likewise, we may not recognize the location we are at because it may not actually be what we thought, but sometimes be what we have actually asked for.


The world is abundant. It is often easy to forget that. We get to choose our world. Certainly, there are factors that have an influence of which we can not control. We do however get to control whether we allow them to dictate our narrative. Everything is perspective. We get to confirm or deny the story we want to tell ourselves everyday. It is these micro decisions that determine what path we take up the mountain. The world will give us what we ask for.


We are extremely grateful for the world that we surround ourselves with. One of our team members recently shared in his own gratitude, "I am exactly where I am supposed to be!", he said. We are very happy to take the journey with our tribe through life. Together we get to live and experience together, take new appreciations along the way, and come out the other side with new perspectives.


Recently someone looking at joining our tribe saw a video we posted, and took pause. They asked, "Do you guys really hand trim every stone?" The simple answer is largely, "Yes". However, the value there was not in understanding the intricacies of how something like a retaining wall is built. Instead, the value came in understanding the process, and determination required to make that happen. A new appreciation was created in this person's life which will forever change their view.


This is why we are put on this earth. This is why we are in business. This is why so many have made the decision to join our tribe. It's not the gross value, and don't get me wrong,  our team builds amazing backyard features. It's the little things that get us out of bed. The new experiences we get to help others create, the memories that get made through platforms we placed on this earth, the new perspectives that forever change how the world is viewed through a set(s) of eyes.


This week we continue sharing a glimpse of our journey. A little blip along the way. Amazing people, working with amazing people. A new perspective, an unrealized gain, a different path opened up in life. The best part is we get to choose if it's the path for us. We are excited to continue to share our world, and we are even more excited to share in a few weeks the final result of this particular journey. Click the link below to see just how we are making that happen.

While you are there, be sure to subscribe so that you may Join the Tribe yourself and begin your own journey to new experiences and appreciations through nature inspired outdoor living!


Written by: Robert Molinet / Owner


Did we hire the right contractor?


Can we make something cool with all these rocks?