What steps do I take to plan a new backyard?

For homeowners in northern New Jersey, there are few projects around the house you'll endure that can be as daunting as a backyard renovation. Your property, your lives, your peace and quiet will all be in a bit of chaos. Hopefully you've planned on having very productive conversations with your contractor. That would mean your contractor clearly understands your wants and needs and knows that you'll be happy when the dust finally settles.

So what are the steps? What do you do and when? I mean, you've likely never done something like this.

The Basics

You should expect that a good landscape contractor will guide you through your journey. And it could absolutely be considered just that—a journey. You're making your way from the point of wanting to improve your outdoor living space and looking for an outdoor destination you and your family can enjoy.   The goal is to get from the starting point to the destination as efficiently and pain-free as possible.

You likely will find it helpful to start your process off with a conversation. An important thing about this step is making sure you feel comfortable with the flow and feel of the conversation. First impressions can often be very telling. Even if you didn't get to taking that photography class you always wanted, having some pictures of your current property and some inspiration will be helpful. This will help you share where you're starting from along with what you'd like to have done with your landscape designer.

Ramping Up 

When you find a specialist that you feel you connect with, it will soon be time to invite them over for a consultation. Robert Molinet, owner of Sierra Landscape Management, cautions to be mindful of jumping to this step too soon. “Your time is valuable and a little extra effort vetting your vendor on the phone can save you hours, or worse headaches later on.” There is a difference in the value provided from a visit for an estimate versus a consultation geared at making sure you get what you are dreaming of.

Your contractor will need to understand you and your backyard. Preparing a vision board is a great way to collect your ideas. This would include your photos, clippings from magazines, Pinterest, saved images from renovation websites, or wherever you find inspiration. Writing why you like or don't like anything and everything about what you've chosen will provide further details that will only help paint a clearer picture of what you want. You'll be a hero to your contractor.

Further along, your contractor should outline the scope of work, the timeline, and payment terms. With a Jane or John Hancock on the line, it's time for the fun to begin.

Just before construction, your contractor should walk through your backyard with you. This will be a good opportunity to make sure you're both on the same page. From here, it's time to let your contractor do what they do best—Build you a great outdoor living space. Things will be a bit chaotic during construction. But your contractor should let you know what kinds of disturbances to expect and when.

Eventually, the dust will settle and the noise will quiet down and you will have the opportunity to walk your new space with the team, discovering the little details along the way. This is a great opportunity to make sure you are satisfied with everything that has been done, and let the team know how truly grateful you are for the hard work they put in to building your new yard.

Best of All

The last step is probably the best one of all. This is where you start to enjoy it. Roll the grill out. Get that new table and chairs set up. Unwrap those cushions. Grab the food and drinks and call the family. It's time to start making new memories.

Remember: A good contractor isn't going to leave you in the dark. Every step of the way should be clearly outlined. You should be kept in the loop with regular communication and updates at the intervals that serve your busy schedule best.

The team you will get to know at Sierra Landscape Management prides itself on providing clients with guidance on their journey. Not just during the initial sales process, but for years down the road as well. They are confident that your experience will be rewarding and restore your faith in the contracting industry. Come see for yourself how your experience with Sierra will guide you towards your goal efficiently and effectively by clicking the button below.


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