Now is the time to get started. Our team is ready.

It's time to get started.

There's no other way of putting it. You've been thinking about turning your New Jersey backyard into a place for family and friends to gather, share stories, and make new memories. I'll bet you've been thinking about it for some time, too. Well, now is the time to get the ball rolling.

You're probably thinking, "Right now?"
I'm going to tell  you, "Yes." For a couple of reasons.

As I write this, we're about a week shy of the new year. Holiday decorations are all over the place and I'm stressing out because I don't think I can get that shirt my wife wanted for Christmas. But since there's a least five months before outdoor gatherings are back in swing, now is a great time to act.

It Just Takes Time

First, let's discuss the time it takes to turn your old backyard into the haven you've been dreaming of. From the time you and your outdoor specialist begin laying down designs until the time you can set out your first garden gnome, the average backyard can take between four to six months.

Factors like the town you're in, what kinds of permits are needed, and how long those permits are going to take to get can affect the calendar. Some things that are even further out of our control include weather and unseen challenges in your property. Sussex County is no stranger to massive boulders hiding out of sight.

What Was I Thinking?

The second is something Robert Molinet, owner of Sierra Landscape Management, hears all of the time. Clients will repeatedly mention how they wished they had acted much sooner. Once their backyard was finished and they could experience their new space, the real value and benefits of their new backyard were realized. With that, they were sorry they waited for so long to act.

Having a nature-inspired outdoor living space that sets our families and friends into a primal yet also refined environment does wonders for mind and body. There's a lot to be said about the healing power of Mother Nature. We're not making this up!

There are peer-reviewed articles to back it up. For example, this article called "A Review of the Benefits of Nature Experiences: More Than Meets the Eye" from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, as well as an article from Psychology Today, "The Healing Power of Nature" are just two of many pieces that discuss the health benefits of nature. Robert also suggests reading the book: "The Nature Principle", by Richard Louv for some great insights into the benefits of nature that don't require a trip to the remote sections of the earth.

We invite you to visit our site and see the awe-inspiring backyards that we've created for a few of our clients. They understood the need for a nature-inspired sanctuary where many generations of your family will be sharing knowledge for years to come. Let us know when it's your time to act.


What are the Benefits of a Nature-Inspired Backyard?


Plan for your backyard to change with your family.